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Name of Author: 
R.R. Bhandari
Average: 4 (1 vote)
Railway History
Blurb of Book: 
He is a well known researcher, historian and prolific writer. His books have filled a void and this effort on the Kalka Railway Simla Railway is the only publication on this exotic mountain railway.
Name of Publisher: 
National Rail Museum, New Delhi
Edition of the Book: 
Print Year: 
Print Location: 
New Delhi, India
Where to buy: 
National Rail Museum, New Delhi

Simla was the Summer Capital of British India. The Viceroy, his administration and the entire bureaucracy would move up to the hills every year to avoid the summer heat of the plains. A railway to the hills was therefore important to avoid the travails of a journey by tonga, horse or camel back. The book describes the construction and the challenges faced by the engineers who built the line. The unique features such as the gallery bridges, over a hundred tunnels and special rolling-stock designed for the line are mentioned along with a number of interesting stories.