Railway History
Blurb of Book:
This book celebrates the successful march of Indian Railways in the country for 150 years and vividly documents its phenomenal growth during this eventful period.
Name of Publisher:
Director, Publications Division, Government of India
Edition of the Book:
Print Year:
Print Location:
New Delhi, India
Where to buy:
Publications Division, Ministry of I & B, Govt. of India
Published on the ocassion of the 150 years of Indian Railways celebration the book briefly covers a number of aspects of its evolution from early construction, the premier railway companies and the state guarantee system to the evolution of steam, diesel and electric traction to hiil and metro railways. It discusses Production Units and the Public Sector Untertakings that the Railways has spun off in Independent India. There is also a Chapter on eminent Railwaymen of yesteryears. The book reminds us of Indian Railways glorious past and its contribution to nation building.