ISBN Number:
978 81 291 3497 4
Blurb of Book:
Rajendra B. Aklekar's research - and his scholarship which enables him to interpret his findings - throws new light on the way railways were built.
Name of Publisher:
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
Edition of the Book:
Fourth Impression
Print Year:
Print Location:
New Delhi, India
Where to buy:
Book Stores in India, Rupa Publications
The author is a journalist, a rail enthusiast and citizen of Mumbai keen on conserving the city's rich heritage. In this book he writes about Bombay's first railway lines and the city's rich rail heritage in terms of the city's Railway buildings, lines and culture tracing the history of the GIP Railway, BB&CI Railway, the Port Railway and its suburban lines. The book captures the economic and social revolution that the railway development triggered in the country